After they were famous...
So a couple of guys came to our mosque on a 3-day Jamaat trip.
Looking at them, you'd say they were just two ordinary, unassuming guys with beards, going about their business quietly...enjoining good and forbidding from evil etc etc. (Dont hate on TJs)
It just so happens, that their names are "Junaid Jamshed" and "Saeed Anwar".
My sources tell me that the latter is supposedly a world famous Pakistani cricketer and the former is a poor mans Cat Stevens (crappy singer turned crappy nasheed artist)
Then why the fuck was our mosque packed to the rafters with pakis?!
The last time I saw this many pakis was the time when there was a universal agreement on Eid.
People were happy.
Everything was shut.
Everyone had the same days off work.
Everyone went horn papping and flag waving at the same time.
Truly was a glorious day.
Think it was 1999.
So where did all these pakis come from?!
Think that may have come out a likl bit racist.
Lemme rephrase that.
Then why the fuck was our mosque packed to the rafters with muslims?!
Where did all these muslims come from?!
Thats better.
But why though?
Shouldnt they have been there to begin with?
Isnt Salaah fardh on everyone?
Why does it take an average cricketer and an even less average singer to bring the hoardes out of the woodwork and into the mosque?
What is so special about these two guys?
Surely theyre just normal guys like you and me?
So they were famous...who cares?
What is wrong with these starstruck people?
They should be there regardless?
Not a good sign.
Maybe next week we'll have Muhammad Ali in.
Looking at them, you'd say they were just two ordinary, unassuming guys with beards, going about their business quietly...enjoining good and forbidding from evil etc etc. (Dont hate on TJs)
It just so happens, that their names are "Junaid Jamshed" and "Saeed Anwar".
My sources tell me that the latter is supposedly a world famous Pakistani cricketer and the former is a poor mans Cat Stevens (crappy singer turned crappy nasheed artist)
Then why the fuck was our mosque packed to the rafters with pakis?!
The last time I saw this many pakis was the time when there was a universal agreement on Eid.
People were happy.
Everything was shut.
Everyone had the same days off work.
Everyone went horn papping and flag waving at the same time.
Truly was a glorious day.
Think it was 1999.
So where did all these pakis come from?!
Think that may have come out a likl bit racist.
Lemme rephrase that.
Then why the fuck was our mosque packed to the rafters with muslims?!
Where did all these muslims come from?!
Thats better.
But why though?
Shouldnt they have been there to begin with?
Isnt Salaah fardh on everyone?
Why does it take an average cricketer and an even less average singer to bring the hoardes out of the woodwork and into the mosque?
What is so special about these two guys?
Surely theyre just normal guys like you and me?
So they were famous...who cares?
What is wrong with these starstruck people?
They should be there regardless?
Not a good sign.
Maybe next week we'll have Muhammad Ali in.